Unintended Consequences of EQ Boosts: What You Need to Know

Should you use EQ Boosts or Cuts when mixing and mastering your song?
This is an age old question, but I think this video presents 2 unique perspectives about WHY boosting could be doing MORE DAMAGE than we think!
There are lots of myths about EQs floating around the internet. Here are some of the things I’ve heard in YouTube videos and around the internet:
- Boosting with an analog EQ sounds better than boosting a digital EQ
- Digital EQs sound sterile and leave your mixes lifeless
- All plugin or digital EQs are exactly the same
- Plugin EQs are all different
- EQ boosts sound WAY worse than EQ cuts
- Use a linear phase EQ when setting a high pass filter during mixing
- Blah blah blah
I’d be willing to bet you’ve heard a few of these comments before as well.
Are any of these true?
To tell you the truth, it’s always complicated. All these comments can be true in certain situations. But for the most part, an EQ is an EQ and what matters most is how you use it.
And that’s what this video is about today! It’s a discussion about whether using subtractive EQ or boosting is best when mixing and mastering songs.
Watch the video below to find out more!
0:00 Intro
0:55 EQ Boost and Cut Does Is EXACTLY the Same (Proof)
1:52 Where did these EQ myths come from?
2:37 Is there any advantage to boosting vs cutting with an EQ?
5:02 When should you use an EQ boost?
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