How to Master a Rock/Metal Song in 5 min | Mastering Tutorial

How to master Rock & Metal in 5 Minutes
Mastering rock and metal songs doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, I find that spending more time mixing or mastering a song doesn’t always make it sound better… just different.
This video is a great reminder of the importance of trusting your gut and quickly making mixing/mastering decisions.
00:00 – Mastering a Song in 5 Minutes
01:00 – My Gift to You!
01:56 – Mastering a Song in 5 min – Timer Started
03:41 – Adding Movement with Waves SSL Comp
04:22 – Deharshing Master with Mid/Side EQ (Fab Filter Pro Q3)
05:11 – Clipping and Limiting Master
06:26 – Adding Subtle Width with Waves Center Plugin
07:19 – Before and After Mastering Shootout
07:43 – I Cheated…
09:20 – Conclusions and Final Thought
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👉 If you want to go deeper into mastering, be sure to
🔗FabFilter – Pro Q3: bit.ly/3ostj0R
🔗FabFilter – Pro L2: bit.ly/3v2fB4w
🔗Waves – SSL Comp: bit.ly/2T5HHeu
🔗Waves – Center: bit.ly/2UMxl5I
🔗Oeksound Soothe 2: bit.ly/2U7wqus
🔗Newfangled Audio: Saturate: bit.ly/3fCXxfu
👨🔬Learn to Edit Your Guitar/Drums/Bass/Vocals Like a Pro: bit.ly/3vQ4dg4
👨🔬Complete Home Studio Mastering Course (💰10% OFF!): bit.ly/3q5HGZr
🎸Band: Signals Origin: www.youtube.com/…
🎙Recorded, Produced, and Mixed By: Greg Fender (gregfender.com)
Get a customized mixing and mastering package for your music!
🔊 bit.ly/2y1T78h
🔊Studio Monitors – Genelec 8030c: bit.ly/3ehDq2N
🔊RME Babyface Pro FS Interface: amzn.to/3hoBtTy
📷Sony ZV-1 Camera: amzn.to/3rqG2ma
🎙Shure Beta 57 Microphone (Video): amzn.to/3prXseo
🗜Boom Stand for Mic: amzn.to/2YYjn0O
💡Ring Light: amzn.to/2Yj6qzB
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