Best Plugins for MASSIVE Rock and Metal Drums | FabFilter vs Waves vs SoundToys vs. IK Multimedia vs. Sonimus

There are so many great compressor plugins, which ones are right for you?
In this article, you will learn the different features and flavors of some of my favorite compressors. And in my opinion, the best way to showcase their specific sounds is by compressing a rock drum kit.
In the video below, you will also learn what I listen for when dialing in drum bus compression, so you can apply these concepts to whatever compressor plugins you use.
I walk you through all the settings on a compressor, teach you what to listen for when dialing in drum compression, and how you can use any compressor to add movement and space to a mix.
FabFilter vs Waves vs Soundtoys vs IK Multimedia vs Sonimus
You will hear how all of my favorite drum bus compressors sound when pushed to their limits:
All of these very popular plugins are compared in the video below to see which ones sound the absolute best for powerful and punchy drums. You will hear all the plugins both soloed on just the drum kit and also in a full mix.
🤘Happy mixing 🤘
0:00 Intro
0:36 Hearing and Using Compression Free Gift
1:20 Preview of Song Before Compression
2:08 FabFilter Pro C2 Review and Demo Drums Only
3:30 How to set the attack for punch using Pro
4:30 Waves SSL Compressor Review and Demo Drums Only
6:21 Sonimus Tuco Compressor Review and Features
8:16 Sonimus Tuco Compressor Demo Drums Only
10:02 IK Multimedia T-Racks Black 76 Review and Demo Drums Only
12:10 Soundtoys Devil Loc Deluxe Review and Demo Drums Only
14:42 Demo of All Plugins On Drums with Full Mix
15:00 No Drum Compression Full Mix
15:17 FabFilter Pro C2 on Drums Full Mix
15:32 Waves SSL Compressor on Drums Full Mix
15:45 Sonimus Tuco Compressor on Drums Full Mix
16:00 IK Multimedia T-Racks Black 76 Compressor on Drums Full Mix
16:14 SoundToys Devil Loc Deluxe on Drums Full Mix
16:28 All Plugin Settings
16:40 ***Summary and Comparison of All Plugins***
18:42 How You Can Help
Like this video?
🔗FabFilter Pro C2: bit.ly/2TFXbJW
🔗Waves SSL Compressor: bit.ly/2T5HHeu
🔗Sonimus Tuco Compressor: bit.ly/3k4w32A
🔗IK Multimedia T-Racks Black 76: bit.ly/3xtA8RE
🔗Soundtoys Devil Loc Deluxe: bit.ly/3wBTGSX
📹Canon 77d: amzn.to/2BmN6sq
📷Sigma 18-35 mm Lens: amzn.to/2CY53hY
🎙Shure Beta 57 Microphone (Video): amzn.to/3prXseo
🗜Boom Stand for Mic: amzn.to/2YYjn0O
💡Ring Light: amzn.to/2Yj6qzB
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