4 Reasons To Stop Using AutoTune – Do This Instead!

WHY do so many people still use AUTOTUNE on their vocals when there are so many good (and cheaper!) alternative plugins?
This is the million dollar question. It might be because the “AutoTune” sound was popularized by our favorite artists when there were less choices for vocal pitch correction. Or maybe it just sounds better… but I find that hard to believe.
Antares AutoTune Pro Plugin.
Antares AutoTune has several different versions that allow different amounts of control over the pitch correction. Now, I don’t want this blog that be all about AutoTune features, but I think it’s important to mention that the “cheapest” version (still $99!), is extremely limited. You have to cough up $299, just to have control over the individual notes (graphical mode). I would think having control over the vocal melody would be required in a pitch correction plugin!
This simple feature is STANDARD in the majority of vocal pitch correction software like Waves Tune or the built in pitch correction (VariAudio) that comes free with Cubase recording software.
Pro Tip: Scroll to the bottom to watch the video at the end of the article where Bobby walks you through each step of the process!
Is it possible to get an “AutoTune” sound without AutoTune?
The short answer is you CAN get close. Close enough for me at least (watch me show you how to make Waves Tune sound just like AutoTune in the video below!). Each pitch correction plugin will have its own “sound” but knowing how to properly set them up like in the video below will give you the tools to dial in your own personal flare.
Why AutoTune Sucks
Unless you are just using AutoTune in auto mode, the interface for the graphical mode is really clunky and not intuitive. It’s hard to quickly edit the audio with precision.
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AutoTune’s graph mode is clunky and confusing.
The $399 price point for AutoTune Pro is very frustrating when other plugins are 10X cheaper and offer the same features, but with a better workflow!
The pitch detection algorithm does a terrible job detecting notes if your vocalist has a little grit in their voice. Randomly, your vocals will be transformed into what sounds like Frankenstein banging a chipmunk. Unacceptable for a $399 plugin! Other plugins like Melodyne, Waves Tune, and Cubase VariAudio handle this much better.
The vibrato feature isn’t included in the lower tier versions of AutoTune, which is the hidden gem in my opinion.

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The Best Alternative to AutoTune?
There are a several choices, but my personal favorite AutoTune replacement is Waves Tune and the reason is simple. You get all the features of AutoTune Pro for $29 when the plugin is on sale.
Waves Tune plugin has a cleaner interface and all the features you need to make modern vocal productions at a price point anyone can afford.
See Waves Tune it in action in the video below. I walk you through how to set up Waves Tune to get a modern rap vocal sound that rivals AutoTune.
Watch The Video
How To Make Waves Tune Sound Better Than AutoTune
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AND we will use the same plugins, so if you have any questions you can just send me a message!Â
If you just can’t afford AutoTune or are just frustrated by the graphical mode interface like I am, I hope this article shows you there are viable alternatives to use to get a modern vocal sound iconic in rap and pop music.
If you made it this far, please share this article with others that would find it helpful! Drop a link on your social media account, or share the video!
As always, thank you so much for stopping by and learning with me. If you have any questions at all, leave them in the comments below, or head over to our contact page and send me a message! I’d love to hear your thoughts.