3 Impressive Plugins for DeHarshing Rock and Metal In Mastering

How To Reduce Harshness in Metal & Rock Songs [Start to Finish]
If your song is painful at loud volumes (or low volume for that matter!), no one will want to listen to it, which isn’t great for a rock or metal band.
Learn my secret weapon plugins for removing harshness in metal or rock mixes on the master bus. These tools are specifically designed to remove ringing and hissing frequencies as transparently as possible. These are some heavy-duty plugins and a little goes a LONG way, so be very careful to not over use them!
When you dial them in just right on the master bus, you can increase the song loudess so much more than before. You music will sound more focused, spacious, and enjoyable.
This video (which is part of a video series on de-harshing your mixes!) will teach you how to remove harshness from all elements of a rock song including distorted guitars and bass, drum cymbals, drum room mics, screaming vocals, and the master bus. Hope you find the video below helpful!
0:00 Intro
0:54 My Free Plugin Guide Gift for YOU 🎁
1:50 Where to Get Brian Hood’s Free Multitracks to Practice
2:36 Song Preview (BEFORE)
3:02 SoundTheory – Gullfoss Intelligent EQ Plugin – What It Does and How to Use
6:06 Oeksound – Soothe2 Intelligent DeEsser Plugin – What It Does and How to Use
9:25 How to Dial in Soothe to Focus Only on the Harshest Spots
12:54 How to Prevent Lispy Vocals
14:56 Before and After Soothe2
15:15 Waves – LinMB Multiband Compressor Plugin – What It Does and How to Use
16:55 How to Fine Tune a Multiband Compressor to Reduce Harshness
17:53 Before and After LinMB
19:05 Don’t Forget Your FREE Gift!
Like this video?
🔗3 EQ Tricks for Smoother Distorted Guitars [Metal & Rock]
🔗 SoundTheory – Gullfoss: bit.ly/3cea3OW
🔗 Oeksound – Soothe 2: bit.ly/2U7wqus
🔗 Waves – LinMB: bit.ly/2SHDAFj
🔗 fromshittogold.c…
📹Canon 77d: amzn.to/2BmN6sq
📷Sigma 18-35 mm Lens: amzn.to/2CY53hY
🎙Shure Beta 57 Microphone (Video): amzn.to/3prXseo
🗜Boom Stand for Mic: amzn.to/2YYjn0O
💡Ring Light: amzn.to/2Yj6qzB
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